
Big Sean Inspires Resilience and Reflection in New Single “On Up”

Big Sean’s latest single “On Up” is a heartfelt and introspective track dedicated to his son, Noah Hasani. The song, which blends personal reflection with broader societal commentary, showcases the rapper’s evolution as both an artist and a father.

In “On Up,” Big Sean addresses the struggles and aspirations of everyday life, particularly emphasizing the importance of perseverance and resilience. He begins by acknowledging the efforts of those working tirelessly yet feeling unrewarded, a sentiment many can relate to. This theme of persistence is reinforced through his advice to his young son: “Gotta get on up.” This phrase serves as both a literal and metaphorical call to rise above challenges.

The lyrics also delve into Sean’s concerns about the world his son is growing up in. He reflects on the innocence of his child, expressing a desire to protect it from the harsh realities of life. This protective instinct is poignantly captured in lines like, “Will he lose it to the world, is it imminent? Or is it something that me and his momma had instilled in him?”

Moreover, Big Sean touches on societal issues, such as the tragedy of losing young lives to violence, mentioning names like Trayvon and Breon. His plea for divine protection underscores the pervasive anxiety felt by many parents today.

“On Up” is not just a personal narrative but a universal anthem of hope and determination. With its uplifting chorus and candid verses, Big Sean encourages listeners to rise above adversity and strive for a better future. This single marks a significant addition to his discography, highlighting his growth and commitment to making meaningful music.